
I've heard many things in my lifetime, and will hear many more (same with many people) but some noises I hear get stuck in my head. I will proceed to say these things as a form of verbal stimming but it has caused many awkward situations with my brother. For example, there is this one AI generated song with cats meowing/singing to a sad song and I can never get it out of my head. Does this echolalia happen to many people?

  • While walking in the city I constantly move my lips - this is my echolalia in whisper. I repeat parts of sentences I hear from talking people, I repeat my own thoughts and also pieces of information I read on my way. I feel attacked by these pieces of information. Wherever I turn my head, I see something “bakery” “free Wi-Fi”, advertisements, names on the doorbells, car plates, stickers etc. and I also repeat them. these are only visual sensations, there are also sounds that stuck in my head and provoke delayed reaction such as some sort of pain. Smells don’t affect me so much, although if something smells too strong, it also kinda get stuck with me. Sometimes or even often I keep distance from other people on the pavement because the smell of their Parfüm is so strong, it creates an invisible wall in a radius of few meters around this person. 
    So I can walk in the city without or with much less stress only with ear plugs, or with a music but since I have my child I often find music overstimulating, so the ear plugs are best. 
    i also like sunglasses, not only because they protect my eyes from the light, but they also protect me from others looking me in the eyes and I am free to stare anyone I want and this person has no idea I’m staring at them because the only thing they can see are big black glasses. 

  • Interesting! Many of these things I struggle with (such as the repeatings of visual, auditory and other forms of sensory information). I never realized that sunglasses could help with lack of eye contact. Very fascinating! Also, with your description of an invisible wall it makes me reminiscent of cartoon where the MASSIVE stink from someone makes everyone spontaneously get knocked out Joy

  • Interesting! Many of these things I struggle with (such as the repeatings of visual, auditory and other forms of sensory information). I never realized that sunglasses could help with lack of eye contact. Very fascinating! Also, with your description of an invisible wall it makes me reminiscent of cartoon where the MASSIVE stink from someone makes everyone spontaneously get knocked out Joy

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