My life is meaningless and I mean nothing in this world

Just want to put in a quick disclaimer and say I AM NOT INTENDING TO KILL MYSELF AT ANY POINT. Neither do I want to die. But I feel as if I’m just wasting my life away.

im 20 years old. Don’t have a social life. Don’t have a gf/bf. Don’t go out because I can’t drive (still learning). I work a shitty job that gives me little to no shifts and I have to work with coworkers who hate me. I’m still hoping to find a new job but it’s difficult and takes a long time.

My self esteem issues aren’t as bad, compared to my teenage years, as I actually love myself now. But I’m still living a meaningless life.

I am practically nothing in this world. My life means nothing and I’m not even living. I’m just existing.

does it ever get better?

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