My life is meaningless and I mean nothing in this world

Just want to put in a quick disclaimer and say I AM NOT INTENDING TO KILL MYSELF AT ANY POINT. Neither do I want to die. But I feel as if I’m just wasting my life away.

im 20 years old. Don’t have a social life. Don’t have a gf/bf. Don’t go out because I can’t drive (still learning). I work a shitty job that gives me little to no shifts and I have to work with coworkers who hate me. I’m still hoping to find a new job but it’s difficult and takes a long time.

My self esteem issues aren’t as bad, compared to my teenage years, as I actually love myself now. But I’m still living a meaningless life.

I am practically nothing in this world. My life means nothing and I’m not even living. I’m just existing.

does it ever get better?

  • Hi there. How are you doing today? Did you see that a Moderator has posted to your other post with some things to try and help.

    Finding meaning in life is a difficult one. I know that when I am down I feel the same way. When I am not down... I don't even think about it. I'm so focussed on staying in the present. So I guess my advice is to try and get things better with your mood and then life questions are not so strong. Because, once you feel better, it doesn't play on the mind... 

    xxx MrsSnooks

  • Hi there. How are you doing today? Did you see that a Moderator has posted to your other post with some things to try and help.

    Finding meaning in life is a difficult one. I know that when I am down I feel the same way. When I am not down... I don't even think about it. I'm so focussed on staying in the present. So I guess my advice is to try and get things better with your mood and then life questions are not so strong. Because, once you feel better, it doesn't play on the mind... 

    xxx MrsSnooks

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