
  • these are the community rules.https://community.autism.org.uk/p/rules

    if you didnt know this before you do now

    although your too young to join now you can join here when your over 16 if you like.

    the moderators  will probably lock the thread so no one else replys eventualy.  as the first comment you can use other services. I dont know where it is so I cant show you in case you dont know but hopefuly it should be on there main site or if not you could ask the national autistic society or the moderators. if I find for you il add it to this comment for you before it gets locked and everything else. but as for when your the right age to join as the rules say your welcome to join when your older so that will be when  your older than 16 so 17 and up it is a very friendly community so when the time is right for you to join we would love to get to know you just like all the others that have joined at the right age here. im not going to reply anymore now but I just thought I would leave this message cause we,ree not saying that you cant join ever again  but when your the right age you can 

  • these are the community rules.https://community.autism.org.uk/p/rules

    if you didnt know this before you do now

    although your too young to join now you can join here when your over 16 if you like.

    the moderators  will probably lock the thread so no one else replys eventualy.  as the first comment you can use other services. I dont know where it is so I cant show you in case you dont know but hopefuly it should be on there main site or if not you could ask the national autistic society or the moderators. if I find for you il add it to this comment for you before it gets locked and everything else. but as for when your the right age to join as the rules say your welcome to join when your older so that will be when  your older than 16 so 17 and up it is a very friendly community so when the time is right for you to join we would love to get to know you just like all the others that have joined at the right age here. im not going to reply anymore now but I just thought I would leave this message cause we,ree not saying that you cant join ever again  but when your the right age you can 

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