‘God loves us’ so says the bus

I seen something on the bus today that resonated with me. It said god loves you very much. I would like to think there is some kinda god out there what do you wonderful people think? I like the idea of a god that loves us all. It sounds nice. Even if it’s all baloney I’d rather believe in it for my mental healths sake more than anything. Trajectory is up from here. We’ve gotta make the most of human life here on earth. I hope y’all have a happy night and or day wherever you are. I’m just chilling right now. Thought I would kick back before I hit the hay for a couple hours. Live on my own so get bored at times. Would like a girlfriend one day but I oughta just enjoy my single time in life before I get hooked up with a girl and everything like that. It’s cold where I am. Can’t afford heating. Luckily I have this blanket here to keep me warm. What are you peeps up to? 

  • Well if there is a god, I know for certain it isn't the one described by the bible. He definitely doesn't exist.

    I think it's unlikely that any other God exists either myself.

  • I'd trust religious advertising about as much as anyother advertising, the christian god has a terrible PR dept, it's all fire and brimstone mixed with disney.

    I am a person of faith, but mine encourages us to have a much more personal and one to one relationships with our goddesses and gods.

  • I'd trust religious advertising about as much as anyother advertising, the christian god has a terrible PR dept, it's all fire and brimstone mixed with disney.

    I am a person of faith, but mine encourages us to have a much more personal and one to one relationships with our goddesses and gods.

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