Voluntary Group meeting was a shambles (27th August)


I go to [Removed by Moderator due to rule 2] about twice a month. Do different tasks and sometimes have guess speakers. 

Cryafternoon meeting was supposed to be learning about spinning wheels and spinners (like a child toy); sorry i can't explain things well.

Group leader introduced to the demonstration people. Also didn't ask is anyone is allergic to wool? We had a feel of different types of wool. 

I was mortified that the group never heard of Wensleydale sheep (you can't spin cheese!);

A regular member kept on talking behind me and I tried to say to her please can you stop talking and im trying to listen. Repeated about 4 times. I nearly walked out. 

No time to have a go. 

Would of been useful to have information on paper.

Least I'd learnt about a traditional crafts. This more like promoting there courses in the evening. 


The next meeting will be about seahorses.