Carrying the cross of others!

While I was spared the worst of the cruelty of society, I still wonder how I'm supposed to function. 

Too many people were hammered at the crucible of life. There's a lot of bloodlust out there. Demonic portals were opened over the past half-century. And now it's a rudderless ship.

Carrying the cross of others is a huge burden. I feel that rules are now pointless. The lawlessness is emerging, and biblical prophecy is manifesting. Albeit preempted by authorities. 

  • What are demonic portals and where are they?

    Lawlessness has been a problem since humans created laws, maybe a trawl through historical records would show you this.

    Likewise bloodlust has always been around or has been around since at least the Bronze Age, there's less evidence of warfare in the Neolithic. Very often the blood letting is done by those who who believe in their interpretation of the Bible, both old and new testaments, are the correct and only interpretation.

    There was a massive flap in 999CE at the prospect of the new millenium, people believing the end of the world was nigh and again in 1899CE, there were probably flaps in earlier times too. 1999CE and we get the Y2K flap about all our computers not working, I guess that owuld of been the end of some peoples worlds!

    Life is a hell of a thing to happen to anyone, we cope as best we can.

  • Life is a hell of a thing to happen to anyone, we cope as best we can.

    I like that.

    I think it needs to be on a banner.

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