Carrying the cross of others!

While I was spared the worst of the cruelty of society, I still wonder how I'm supposed to function. 

Too many people were hammered at the crucible of life. There's a lot of bloodlust out there. Demonic portals were opened over the past half-century. And now it's a rudderless ship.

Carrying the cross of others is a huge burden. I feel that rules are now pointless. The lawlessness is emerging, and biblical prophecy is manifesting. Albeit preempted by authorities. 

  • I totally agree - I realised during Covid that evil in all its forms was very real and tangible, not some abstract thing - not having post-diagnosis assessment adds to sense of confusion where in days gone by, the priest, Parish Priest or the nun or the local Seargant would come in and take charge and take people in hand 

  • I totally agree - I realised during Covid that evil in all its forms was very real and tangible, not some abstract thing - not having post-diagnosis assessment adds to sense of confusion where in days gone by, the priest, Parish Priest or the nun or the local Seargant would come in and take charge and take people in hand 

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