Oyez, oyez! Calling all "high functioners"!

...Autism is a spectrum and everyone is different. What characterises a diagnosis of autism is if it has an impact on ones daily life. I am classed as "high functioning" but currently do not know what this means.

Overload as a result from doing less than what someone who is not autistic can do. This means currently bare minimum of activity because intolerance and sensory input cannot be regulated. 
Working hours are reduced because of the struggle to cope with full time even though preference is to work more. The load is primarily from executive function difficulties which also include the social aspect and sensory. Fatigue on a daily basis which impacts everything.

So, when people make throwaway comments like "we're all a bit autistic" or "I think my dog is a bit autistic" (yes, I was present), or labels like "high functioning", or someone gets imposter syndrome thinking they are "not autistic enough", just remember - the difficulties faced - on a daily basis - which many people do not face.

I'm not saying no-one else has problems, but they are of a different kind.

  • High functioning is a term much like "Aspergers" where your ASD symptoms haven't stopped you living your life to any significant degree.

    So, you have ND traits, those traits cause some issues in your life, but you've mostly held down work, had friends, had relationships and the like.

  • High functioning is a term much like "Aspergers" where your ASD symptoms haven't stopped you living your life to any significant degree.

    So, you have ND traits, those traits cause some issues in your life, but you've mostly held down work, had friends, had relationships and the like.

  • I have an Asperger's dx. Never had a paid job. Very few friends, if any at all. Was married to someone I met in psych hospital. I also have schizophrenia/schizoaffective. The combination may be more disabling than ASD on its own. They've caused more than a few issues.