General Mental Unwellness thread

I'm very depressed tonight and I don't really have anywhere to turn. So I thought I'd make a thread here.  People can post in this thread when they are experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

  • Here's another thing to be depressed about.  The country that we live in is almost certainly never going to get better.  And there are people waiting in the wings who if handed power will make it a lot worse.  There's a real lack of intelligence, pathos and ethics at play and I see it everywhere.  In all classes, all backgrounds and all communities.  What  rational response is there to that other than to force a barrel of a shotgun into your own mouth and pull the trigger?

  • Some people, who had a s**t life, intend to make EVERYONE'S life s**t!

    Get everyone b***hing about others, while ignoring the real threat.

    Don't hate the Player! Hate the Game! 

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