General Mental Unwellness thread

I'm very depressed tonight and I don't really have anywhere to turn. So I thought I'd make a thread here.  People can post in this thread when they are experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

  • Yeh I get you there. I am not depressed but I do have problems with alcohol in the sense that I appear to need it because of some kind of chemical imbalance in my autistic brain. I wish there was more known about autism and more treatments available. I know not everyone wants a treatment. But to be honest I do just want to feel better without the alcohol. All my family line is autistic and alcoholics. I don’t talk to any of them anymore they all abandoned me they don’t answer my messages. I’m on my own got no one. Except my dad he is not autistic though unlike my mother who is. Don’t know why my autistic family members don’t want anything to do with me? Who knows? Anyway yeh my mum is also an alcoholic always has been always will be. It must be the GABA brain transmitters. I have been taking my B6 vitamins again and they help a bit with my brain imbalances. But it’s not enough sadly. I feel as though I need anticonvulsants or something but I would have to see a neurologist for that and I am on the list. But still have to wait till January or something before I get seen and I have been waiting since 4 months ago. What if I’m dead by the time I get seen by this neurologist what the use in that? lol. Anyway I appreciate you giving me this space to share my depressing thoughts lol

  • I  quit heavy alcohol usage a decade ago.   It is possible to quit, but it will be difficult.

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