I want to Be Born Again

Dear collective,

For every truth there is a equal and opposite anti-truth reaction. So say the great philosophizers. 2 + 2 = infinity. That's my opinion, but kinda like a broken calculator, it doesnt count. The eternal return on an investment in christ? the ultimate bargaining chip when barred from the pearly gates? These are questions nobody asked, i'm sure. Following me? okay, What's this deal with Jesus? does anybody know.

And what's Jesus opinion on ***, forget burning bushes. It's important.

Assistance Please

your ideas

[edited by moderator]

  • I am born again Christian. I have Holy Spirit living with me He's my friend when there aren't any He's my protecter when I'm scared. He's my counsellor when I need help. He understands me when noone else does. I go to church but as I'm autistic I struggle with talking to people,  can't make friends, feel lonelier when I leave. But I have God with me so life is better. Not scared of death now. Obviously when life's tough would rather be with God. But because of my family thankfully have managed to stay here.

  • I relate to what yoiu've written about your comforter. I think many people could benefit from one. My comforter has made my life more bearable.

    I wrote about experiences in my testimony on my blog which I linked to on this forum in my own thread on this topic, but I will post the direct link here,. It is just one page and it mentions about my comforter as well. I shared my thoughts having autism and other conditions and my faith.


    May the security last a life time for you JLyn

  • I relate to what yoiu've written about your comforter. I think many people could benefit from one. My comforter has made my life more bearable.

    I wrote about experiences in my testimony on my blog which I linked to on this forum in my own thread on this topic, but I will post the direct link here,. It is just one page and it mentions about my comforter as well. I shared my thoughts having autism and other conditions and my faith.


    May the security last a life time for you JLyn

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