I want to Be Born Again

Dear collective,

For every truth there is a equal and opposite anti-truth reaction. So say the great philosophizers. 2 + 2 = infinity. That's my opinion, but kinda like a broken calculator, it doesnt count. The eternal return on an investment in christ? the ultimate bargaining chip when barred from the pearly gates? These are questions nobody asked, i'm sure. Following me? okay, What's this deal with Jesus? does anybody know.

And what's Jesus opinion on ***, forget burning bushes. It's important.

Assistance Please

your ideas

[edited by moderator]

  • I didn't really follow your post, and I couldn't guess the opinions of Jesus on anything.

    I wouldn't want to be actually born again as I didn't like being a child, but I would like to live my life over again from age 18 and do it differently.

  • I didn't really follow your post, and I couldn't guess the opinions of Jesus on anything.

    Me neither, and I'm never sure if this particular OP is extracting the urine, or serious.

  • I could be wrong here, but I think our vampiric friend was riffing off the post before which had a very similar title. I think he likes to play with us lesser mortals.

  • I find their elusive and allusional style, and seeming inability to express any idea in concrete terms, quite irritating. It is undoubtedly a deliberate choice. This is from someone who has read 'Finnegans Wake' from cover to cover! "riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs". While I found Joyce's wordplay entertaining, I also found that the allusions, in their various levels, ultimately banal, I suspect the same is true here. 

  • I find their elusive and allusional style, and seeming inability to express any idea in concrete terms, quite irritating. It is undoubtedly a deliberate choice. This is from someone who has read 'Finnegans Wake' from cover to cover! "riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs". While I found Joyce's wordplay entertaining, I also found that the allusions, in their various levels, ultimately banal, I suspect the same is true here. 

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