Uncertainty isn't my friend

Ideally I like to know that x will be done by y date. That however isn't always an answer that can be given. That is the case with the family history research I've paid to be done. One lot of research began on April 12, and the other on June 12. I find myself checking my emails obsessively in the hope the reports will be there. It's very frustrating and stress inducing.

  • I hear you!

    My wife is pretty good and is always taking my needs into account.

    But, yesterday she said with less than five minutes notice, "I think I'll ask [our neighbour] to come in to play with the dog, before we go for a drink."

    I nearly had a heart attack and didn't react well.

    The sad thing is that my wife has needs too. Why shouldn't she be able to ask a neighbour at a moment's notice if she feels like?

    It's pretty cool about your family research. I hope that you get it soon. A cousin of mine dug up all sorts of interesting things about maternal grandfather.

  • Hi Mark,

    I have to say it would be a cold day in hell the day I invite one of my neighbours round the trouble they have caused me! But on a serious note yes short notice is a pain

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