SSRI medication

Does anyone else feel like they’re less inhibited on these pills? I feel tipsy most of the time. Like tipsy but still with it at the same time. I walk into things and look tired all the time. I also sleep all the time. I still get anxiety now and again but it’s greatly reduced and it’s never going to go away completely. I feel like I do things that I wouldn’t do normally. Like go up and talk to people and go out for walks whereas I would normally just sit in the house too afraid to go out. I also find myself expressing anger which I wouldn’t normally do because I would normally be complacent to anything happening around me. I also struggle to remember what I did during the day and feel like I was on autopilot or something. They’re good pills don’t get me wrong but think I need an increase or something as I still get an inkling to drink alcohol for anxiety now and again. Maybe I ought to see a therapist or something but I don’t see that doing much for me as my anxiety is kinda engrained in me because of my autism I think. Oh well who knows just voicing my experience with some pills. I know a lot of you say you tried these and they didn’t work for you. They work for me for sure but they just don’t get you high like benzos or something but who actually wants that? I know some people find them good but nah too dangerous for sure. Taking benzos is just the same practically as having a fifth of vodka 3 times a day to manage anxiety not practical in practice. I know they were originally designed to be less addictive than barbiturates but look how that worked out I guess.

  • I have been taking SSRI medication for many years. The closest I ever felt to feeling tipsy was when I had first been prescribed them, and had spent the first 24 hours feeling spaced out. As for feeling less inhibited, this has never been my experience.

    When I'm feeling particularly stressed, I sometimes think that I might as well be taking a placebo. However, during occasions when I have been weaned off them, my mental health has really suffered. Over the years, I have been told by GPs that the purpose of my SSRI medication isn't to completely eradicate my anxiety and depression, but to make my anxiety and depression tolerable.

    I have never been prescribed benzodiazepines, so it's impossible for me to compare them with SSRI medication.

    As for your continued alcohol cravings, have you considered discussing it with your GP and/or CMHT?

  • Yeh that’s the thing they don’t cure anxiety but they do improve it. I can tolerate a lot more on these I think. Yeh I discussed it with them and I am receiving help for it but they did say it’s your anxiety making me want to drink.

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