Finding my way around Belfast - Potential Pickle

I was heading to the Ormeau Road, from the M2, and ended up towards East Belfast; having been on the wrong lane at the end of a one-way. Then, when negotiating my way back, I may have cut past a red light.

God willing, I wasn't caught on camera. However, I did panic. Though I found my way, eventually. 

How may I address the issue, with my solicitor, should I receive a Police Warning, in relation? Would it be possible to plead mitigating circumstances, due to diminished responsibility? 

  • Desmond.  That's stressful, but don't worry too much mate.  So long as you are sure that you didn't cause an accident, or cause harm due to your confusion, then you certainly don't need to have a sleepless night.  I wish you a sound night of rest.

  • Desmond.  That's stressful, but don't worry too much mate.  So long as you are sure that you didn't cause an accident, or cause harm due to your confusion, then you certainly don't need to have a sleepless night.  I wish you a sound night of rest.

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