Finding my way around Belfast - Potential Pickle

I was heading to the Ormeau Road, from the M2, and ended up towards East Belfast; having been on the wrong lane at the end of a one-way. Then, when negotiating my way back, I may have cut past a red light.

God willing, I wasn't caught on camera. However, I did panic. Though I found my way, eventually. 

How may I address the issue, with my solicitor, should I receive a Police Warning, in relation? Would it be possible to plead mitigating circumstances, due to diminished responsibility? 

  • Definitely bring up  Autism if you need to.  Keep yourself out of custody you Wild man. x Slight smile

  • Listening to an MP3 Album, I got via Bandcamp.

    Daniel Johnston. Slight smile

  • Hey hey calm down. I think you’re getting way ahead of yourself here. I mean you don’t know you were caught or anything. I would be more concerned about how worried you are over this. You made a mistake. Did you kill someone? If not then you’re okay. Just try not do it again next time. But don’t be so hard on yourself over it you’re just straight and plain getting way ahead of yourself. I mean you’re practically having yourself burned at the stake here when you don’t even know if anybody even seen you. I am concerned more about your mental health here with regards to your response to making a mistake. Have you tried meditating to calm yourself down or going for a bath or listening to some music? It sounds like your mind is overactive buddy. Maybe that’s how you didn’t pay attention at the time because your mind was somewhere else maybe we all do it buddy. It doesn’t mean your a bad person.

  • Desmond.  That's stressful, but don't worry too much mate.  So long as you are sure that you didn't cause an accident, or cause harm due to your confusion, then you certainly don't need to have a sleepless night.  I wish you a sound night of rest.

  • Would it be possible to plead mitigating circumstances, due to diminished responsibility? 

    If you were driving with diminished responsibility then you probably shouldn't have been driving at all - I don't think that will work as an excure and may even result in you recieving a ban for driving knowingly I'm afraid.

    At worst you are likely to get a fine and points on your license and at best there was no working camera there so in your situation I would just wait and see if you get a letter then see what the options are. You normally get a month to pay the fine or submit a challenge I think.