Tinnitus or electricity? Or both?

I have tinnitus since my childhood since I ever remember, but I was sure my whole life that it’s normal and everyone has it. It’s regular high pitch constant sound, quiet but often overwhelming. Additionally there is a low frequency irregular hum (does not follow my heartbeat). When I cover my ears, the hum disappears while the high pitch noise remains in my head. I hear the hum only indoors and only in silence like in the night. Recently I found out about tinnitus and heard a video with simulations of different types of it, I found the one that I have. So I’m concerned now, if what I hear (the hum) is electricity? Several years ago I had a hearing test and it showed I heard from 5Hz and the doctor mentioned something that it’s not normal, something about Hyperacusis and that I should go test myself etc I don’t remember exactly I was just happy that I hear good. I was concerned about my hearing because there were and of course still are situations that I don’t react when being called. When reading a book or anything else that swallows my attention. I also often ask “what?” When someone talks to me, but not because I don’t hear it’s because I can’t catch it all at once I need them to repeat so I can process it. My “Linux “ works slower. I’m wondering if I’m going crazy. Any thoughts or experiences will be appreciated. 

  • Electricity tends to prolong headaches. Try taking something with Ginger, to prevent nausea.

    There is the, talked about, possibility of an EMP attack. Of course, Russia and China are the scapegoats; for suspicion. But the potential threat is there.

  • Electricity tends to prolong headaches. Try taking something with Ginger, to prevent nausea.

    There is the, talked about, possibility of an EMP attack. Of course, Russia and China are the scapegoats; for suspicion. But the potential threat is there.

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