Tinnitus or electricity? Or both?

I have tinnitus since my childhood since I ever remember, but I was sure my whole life that it’s normal and everyone has it. It’s regular high pitch constant sound, quiet but often overwhelming. Additionally there is a low frequency irregular hum (does not follow my heartbeat). When I cover my ears, the hum disappears while the high pitch noise remains in my head. I hear the hum only indoors and only in silence like in the night. Recently I found out about tinnitus and heard a video with simulations of different types of it, I found the one that I have. So I’m concerned now, if what I hear (the hum) is electricity? Several years ago I had a hearing test and it showed I heard from 5Hz and the doctor mentioned something that it’s not normal, something about Hyperacusis and that I should go test myself etc I don’t remember exactly I was just happy that I hear good. I was concerned about my hearing because there were and of course still are situations that I don’t react when being called. When reading a book or anything else that swallows my attention. I also often ask “what?” When someone talks to me, but not because I don’t hear it’s because I can’t catch it all at once I need them to repeat so I can process it. My “Linux “ works slower. I’m wondering if I’m going crazy. Any thoughts or experiences will be appreciated. 

  • I hear a low hum at night and when the air is still. I don't think it is our electricity. I have concluded it is either the electric box/ substation at the end of the next road which has a similar hum when I walk past or a neighbour nearby that has a heat pump.

  • I hear a low hum at night and when the air is still. I don't think it is our electricity. I have concluded it is either the electric box/ substation at the end of the next road which has a similar hum when I walk past or a neighbour nearby that has a heat pump.

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