Autistic girl dragged from home for unknown Food Sensitivities


Another example of Autistic Discrimination in the NHS. The police didn't protect this vulnerable girl. She was bruised and detained: 

This forum might have more immediate ideas from Autistic Elders about how to help, ideas to try and how to communicate so these horrendous acts don't keep happening to our young.

Please be mindful when talking with "health" professionals who might not have bothered to stay up on the medical science around the different biology linked with Autism. Too much research is turning up gut-health related issues with Autism and ADHD: gastritis, inflammation, Crohn’s, celiac, endocrine disruption and lower GABA, all which affect gut health. Some medical papers suggest to stay closer to a Paleo/Keto/FODMAP diet if it's hard to identify what the problem is. 

On July 23, Nicola Jeffery wrote, Megan Docherty who is allegedly being mistreated, physically and verbally abused, and held against her will in an NHS facility after being violently taken from her home. 

I am trying to appeal to universities and charities. We need the NHS FULLY updated on the bio-science of Autism, how malnutrition is a problem with the Modern Diet, how unknown allergies and a difference in gut microbiota contribute to health problems. And individuals with this kind of perverse power to have their medical license revoked. 

  • I think the Police are going through an interesting phase.I will be tactful as I am currently in the great Judicial system that is slow cruel and unfair.I too am in a pressure group to help with something called CPWs and CPNs .I cannot really add much more other than our community must not put up with the abuse we suffer through ignorance and no understanding.We are expected to engage with the world the same as the non neuro diverse.I have had one organisation as referring to me as having M.H. issues.I replaced would they refer to a cancer sufferer as having carcinoma issues!

    Stay strong

  • I think the Police are going through an interesting phase.I will be tactful as I am currently in the great Judicial system that is slow cruel and unfair.I too am in a pressure group to help with something called CPWs and CPNs .I cannot really add much more other than our community must not put up with the abuse we suffer through ignorance and no understanding.We are expected to engage with the world the same as the non neuro diverse.I have had one organisation as referring to me as having M.H. issues.I replaced would they refer to a cancer sufferer as having carcinoma issues!

    Stay strong

  • When it comes to s2 and s.3 Mental Health Act 1983 "sectioning" the police are incidental - authority lies with the  Authorised Mental Heath Practitioner, the doctor(s) and the nearest relative. The police are only involved if the patient refuses to cooperate with the medical and ambulance staff, where they may use reasonable force to "convey" the patient to the hospital for assessment or treatment.