Mildly frustrated

Before I continue, I live in a council house. Earlier this year (I think) a sample had been taken from my son's bedroom wall/ceiling to test for mould. As we had heard nothing back from the council, it came as something of a surprise last week when I heard the unmistakeable sound of scaffolding being erected outside the front of my home.

Shortly after 9am this morning, I could hear sounds and realised that work had commenced on my roof. I felt mildly frustrated that the roofers hadn't thought to notify me of their arrival and explain what they were intending to do. As a tenant, I like to take an interest when work is undertaken at my home. I don't mean in the sense of being in the way and watching whilst work is undertaken, but I do like to be kept informed.

After approximately twenty minutes, the two roofers drove off. I'm now sitting here not knowing if they have completed what they came here to do, or if they are simply taking a break to get some brunch and will be returning. Only time will tell, I guess.

  • It's crazy when that sort of stuff happens. A little advanced notice would be the ideal, but a knoc

    k on the door before and after to explain the work and - crucially! - the outcome would seem to be pretty essential to any kind of peace of mind. I hope you get some reassuring answer, but it's the chasing it up that's such an avoidable pain and faff they've given you there. 

    I had a similar thing come up recently where people from the water board who'd intially (to be fair) knocked my door to tell me what work they'd been doing once a neighbour's car was moved just disappeared a few mins later, with the work undone and the car where it was. A further door knock would have let me know the score, when instead I had to start calling up the water board to see what the workers recorded re: that job, if/when they'd be back etc. All very perplexing - I'm sure an NT would be scratching  their head just as much about these things... wouldn't they? And yet it also seems all too common NT behaviour to leave people needlessly in the dark. 

  • Unfortunately Shardovan, I am going to need to chase up the council... Ugh! Now that the roof has been done, I need to establish if there are plans to undertake any work in my son's bedroom.

    I can appreciate how you must have felt regarding the recent event with your water board, and am in agreement that an NT would have found it equally as perplexing.

  • Unfortunately Shardovan, I am going to need to chase up the council... Ugh! Now that the roof has been done, I need to establish if there are plans to undertake any work in my son's bedroom.

    I can appreciate how you must have felt regarding the recent event with your water board, and am in agreement that an NT would have found it equally as perplexing.

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