Mildly frustrated

Before I continue, I live in a council house. Earlier this year (I think) a sample had been taken from my son's bedroom wall/ceiling to test for mould. As we had heard nothing back from the council, it came as something of a surprise last week when I heard the unmistakeable sound of scaffolding being erected outside the front of my home.

Shortly after 9am this morning, I could hear sounds and realised that work had commenced on my roof. I felt mildly frustrated that the roofers hadn't thought to notify me of their arrival and explain what they were intending to do. As a tenant, I like to take an interest when work is undertaken at my home. I don't mean in the sense of being in the way and watching whilst work is undertaken, but I do like to be kept informed.

After approximately twenty minutes, the two roofers drove off. I'm now sitting here not knowing if they have completed what they came here to do, or if they are simply taking a break to get some brunch and will be returning. Only time will tell, I guess.

  • That sounds both frustrating and stressful to have to endure. It never ceases to amaze me how people - especially professionals - are so unprofessional and do things like this. It never hurts to send a text, email or call. But a lot of the time they don't. 

    You've reminded me of last year when there was worries of an underground pipe leaking and I was sat in the living room and suddenly there was a knock on the patio french doors and it was a man. Turned out he was from the water company, he was in my garden having scaled the fence and wanted to put this rod stick thingy through the grass to check the water. 

    I nearly had a heart attack that day. When he checked mine he climbed the fence in to my neighbours garden. He was wasted with the water company, the way he stalked about he had moves like a secret agent Grin

    But they didn't even say he was coming. At the time it was stressful and frustrating but looking back now I can see the funny side of it. 

  • I don't find it stressful as such, but it can certainly be frustrating. In the past I have spoken with council contractors and workmen employed directly by my council. Most seem to be in agreement that my council aren't always the best at keeping people informed... including their own employees.

    Yes, I can see how the sight of someone you were not expecting... and especially not in your garden... would have been unnerving. However, your account made me chuckle, and I'm glad you're now able to see the funny side. Did you consider contacting the water company to say you thought he had missed his vocation in life? Laughing

  • I don't find it stressful as such, but it can certainly be frustrating. In the past I have spoken with council contractors and workmen employed directly by my council. Most seem to be in agreement that my council aren't always the best at keeping people informed... including their own employees.

    Yes, I can see how the sight of someone you were not expecting... and especially not in your garden... would have been unnerving. However, your account made me chuckle, and I'm glad you're now able to see the funny side. Did you consider contacting the water company to say you thought he had missed his vocation in life? Laughing

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