Awful Saturday

Hey All,

Today is worse than normal but I have started to Hate Saturdays and I will tell you why.

if you get horrible post say from the Council or the tax man you cannot contact them for help.

If you need a doctor for a routine matter that is worrying you you have to wait till Monday.

if your neighbours are being a nuisance you cannot get help and so on.

Today I have had one of my neighbours not let me cross the Road when he saw me in my orange T shirt wearing my Lanyard.He did this deliberately as anyone else he is considerate .He has weopanised his car several times against me.I have reported to Police and council but those that know on me know I am the man with CPW.This person is also one of the residents i have been told I cannot have any form of communication with or there are consequences for me.Do buy think he is trying to provoke me ti get me onto trouble? Any advice?

Then my Dad rang melon story short we have a difficult relationship and he is a recovering alcoholic that is drinking.He has been no support to me since I was diagnosed.His pearls of wisdom tonight I could tone down my Autistic behaviour .that comment i found offensive and about as helpful as playing darts against an inflatable board .

Anyway I prefer Sundays now days so here is for midnight and a better day

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