Question if it is normal for me to have inappropriate anger as a 23-year-old

Is it normal for me to have inappropriate anger as a young adult?

I am 23 years old and I feel so embarrassed, because I behave like an older teenager and worse is I behave even more childish, due to mental health issues and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  • Anger is a normal human response. It happens when we sense injustice. It's a normal response to being harmed or having our livelihood or agency at risk. There are many reasons for it to be appropriate.

    And... Autistics sense-perceive everything at 11, we cannot desensitise like our peers and while there is a way to help our biology filter out a little better, it won't change our design. This is one part of the equation. On an emotional or psychological level, there is no such thing as little betrayals or harmless flirting. Being humiliated or rejected is felt with a greater intensity. On a physical level, harmful sound levels should be illegal, but the neurotypical population can just 'dull' their senses. When there is little enforcement of legal action against what should be considered weaponising noise or sensory assault, it compounds the harm. Tinnitus doesn't go away and no one will pay for the damage done if say, a modern fire alarm or public festival left us with lasting damage. 

    I'm going to compound these problems even further because we have a diffierent way of using language, we don't catch the nuances of NT social linguistics which means: We mature much slower than our peers (maybe even 5-10 years behind emotionally), might have a loss in education, won't understand the social codes and complexities and to TOP it all off, Autistics (and even Dyslexics) can have a greater difficulty accessing and identifying, or naming a thing, such as our internal feelings or the seemingly invisible systems and patterns in the world around us. This inability can be acutely frustrating daily.

    Let's take this one step further: Interruptions. This is a hill I'll die on. There is nothing worse than being continually knocked out of a flow by any and all interruptions. While even Simon Griffen's book of Good Fv*king Manners reminds us it's rude to interrupt, apparently it's easily forgotten.

    So, yes, As an Autistic 23 year old, you might have inappropriate anger, or it might actually be justified in ways you cannot articulate coupled with being infantilised for simply not being helped to understand how you grow and thrive best. Inappropriate anger might be just from tolerating where we should've been taught to assert a boundary or years of stress and never being helped to Resolve Matters properly. 

    So not to sound like it's all Gloom and Doom, there are a good deal of autistic adults and elders on this site who can help! 

    If you can describe some things which are angering to you, this can help begin to unravel perhaps a myriad of things you might need help sorting out!

  • Anger is a normal human response. It happens when we sense injustice. It's a normal response to being harmed or having our livelihood or agency at risk. There are many reasons for it to be appropriate.

    And... Autistics sense-perceive everything at 11, we cannot desensitise like our peers and while there is a way to help our biology filter out a little better, it won't change our design. This is one part of the equation. On an emotional or psychological level, there is no such thing as little betrayals or harmless flirting. Being humiliated or rejected is felt with a greater intensity. On a physical level, harmful sound levels should be illegal, but the neurotypical population can just 'dull' their senses. When there is little enforcement of legal action against what should be considered weaponising noise or sensory assault, it compounds the harm. Tinnitus doesn't go away and no one will pay for the damage done if say, a modern fire alarm or public festival left us with lasting damage. 

    I'm going to compound these problems even further because we have a diffierent way of using language, we don't catch the nuances of NT social linguistics which means: We mature much slower than our peers (maybe even 5-10 years behind emotionally), might have a loss in education, won't understand the social codes and complexities and to TOP it all off, Autistics (and even Dyslexics) can have a greater difficulty accessing and identifying, or naming a thing, such as our internal feelings or the seemingly invisible systems and patterns in the world around us. This inability can be acutely frustrating daily.

    Let's take this one step further: Interruptions. This is a hill I'll die on. There is nothing worse than being continually knocked out of a flow by any and all interruptions. While even Simon Griffen's book of Good Fv*king Manners reminds us it's rude to interrupt, apparently it's easily forgotten.

    So, yes, As an Autistic 23 year old, you might have inappropriate anger, or it might actually be justified in ways you cannot articulate coupled with being infantilised for simply not being helped to understand how you grow and thrive best. Inappropriate anger might be just from tolerating where we should've been taught to assert a boundary or years of stress and never being helped to Resolve Matters properly. 

    So not to sound like it's all Gloom and Doom, there are a good deal of autistic adults and elders on this site who can help! 

    If you can describe some things which are angering to you, this can help begin to unravel perhaps a myriad of things you might need help sorting out!
