Question if it is normal for me to have inappropriate anger as a 23-year-old

Is it normal for me to have inappropriate anger as a young adult?

I am 23 years old and I feel so embarrassed, because I behave like an older teenager and worse is I behave even more childish, due to mental health issues and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  • I don't think anyone can answer that without knowing what you're angry about and why it's inappropriate. Everyone can be angry about things and things that happened years earlier too. Are you the one who thinks you're being childish and inappropriate or are you being told this by others?

  • I don't think anyone can answer that without knowing what you're angry about and why it's inappropriate. Everyone can be angry about things and things that happened years earlier too. Are you the one who thinks you're being childish and inappropriate or are you being told this by others?
