Different Personas

I have a question about multiple personas. Do you think this could be related to ASD or ADHD? Is it something anyone else here does?

I’ve got a diagnosis of both ASD and ADHD and for as long as I can remember I’ve created personas for myself. And then I act out as these personas, say when I’m shopping, or when I’m having to go out of my comfort zone for whatever reason. I don’t think it’s that dissociative identity disorder. . . I’ve looked up the symptoms and I don’t suffer memory loss or anything like that. I’m aware I create these personas and know exactly what I’m doing. It feels more like when I was a child pretending to be someone else as a game. When I do this now I’m aware of it, aware of my personas, I just imagine I’m this different person. I guess it makes me feel better, less anxious when I’m out of my comfort zone.

So maybe it’s a comfort thing? I have suffered mentally previously after losing a loved one but I never had issues
with personalities or anything like this.
I was thinking about it today and put it more down to ASD or ADHD as I suffer with both. I’m curious if it’s something anyone else has experience of.