I hope some1 can give advice any is welcome.  We've lived where we r for over 10 Yr we are isolated in a village with no transport and they cut all services etc etc I am estranged from the people who brought me up as they were abusive and my sons side of family ignored us when they got my sons diagnosis of autism and they have dementia now so no help there either.. where we moved to covid hit not long after when we.move here just as my son got comfortable enuf to venture out covid happened and we couldn't even see neighbours as they had it..anyway that set us back and we're now in a situation where we don't have Any family or friends and my neighbours just moved and left to go to Spain to live. My son has basically not left house in over 10 Yr apart from once to get his covid jab and some moments when I got him out for a walk..but he finds it hard to go out and.its.not because he's lazy. I am desperate to find somewhere anywhere in the uk that has events and support for people with autism as he has said to me he'd like to try to mix with other autistic people but I don't know where these places are. It got so bad that at times I can't even talk to help him he meltdown and threw stuff breaking things and was trying to smash a bottle...I know he is just frustrated and it's frustrating I can't help him. I was hoping that there are certain towns or cities that may have the edge in actual social events he could go to and a lot of things have been cut due to economy etc...and my son really needs it and i don't want to sound dramatic but it feels litterlaly like life and death here..I need to do something for him.

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