C.P.W.Could This Be Renamed Cruel Pathetic Wasteful

Dear All,

I want to gage opinion on the above they actually stand for Community Protection Warning.I am a proud owner of one of these lovely warnings from my local council.

The bare facts are I am Autistic Have OCD and suffer with Anxiety.I take my medication and have a great medical team.

My lovely CO Residents or Neighbours you may like to call them have behaved like mob rule towards me and my Sister who also has mental Illness.

These lovely people know all about it but have spent the 6 years or so since we lived here causing us trouble and being unkind.We have had outside lights deliberately left on ruining the quality of our home and sleep.Cars weaponised on us, being called nasty names threatened.Had our driveway maliciously blocked, on two occasion my Sister was threatened and they were treated as common assault as one of the lovely Co residents allowed a driver to block and the  he watched this happening and did nothing.

I have these people turn their back on me refuse to speak and they have refused mediation.Imagine my shock when I got this lovely order.

On top of this I am in the middle of a Police investigation which I am vigorously defending.

The facts are I am gentle non violent, in fact I freeze if people are aggressive and i just want to live in piece.The people even hate our cats.

Any thoughts anyone about this and CPWS.

Oh and by the way with these orders you do not get a chance to reply or have any evidence presented Henry V111 would have found this a step too far!

The next stage if they are really vindictive is you get a CPN which again you have no real chance to appeal and little evidence presented.You have to go to the Magistrates pay your legal costs while the Council use tax payers money to hire top lawyers.Then they usually win and make loads of money handing out fines.it is possible you could in the end end up in prison.

This is not what the UK should be like for our community.I look forward to feedback