Supermarket Customers

Dear All,

Can anyone share with me if they have bother in supermarkets.What I find is people are unkind ,if I politely ask them to move so I can grab something, they either ignore take ages or give me lip!

I am a very polite gentle person who believes in kindness and good manners.Does anyone else find the same selfishness and any advice ti deal with.Even wearing my Lanyard makes little difference

  • This is so true, I thought it was just me! Too many examples to note but safe to say I was polite and said please but some people are born ignorant. Sadly we live in a selfish society. However it does make meeting fellow polite people so much more special.

  • This is so true, I thought it was just me! Too many examples to note but safe to say I was polite and said please but some people are born ignorant. Sadly we live in a selfish society. However it does make meeting fellow polite people so much more special.
