Supermarket Customers

Dear All,

Can anyone share with me if they have bother in supermarkets.What I find is people are unkind ,if I politely ask them to move so I can grab something, they either ignore take ages or give me lip!

I am a very polite gentle person who believes in kindness and good manners.Does anyone else find the same selfishness and any advice ti deal with.Even wearing my Lanyard makes little difference

  • I am a very polite gentle person who believes in kindness and good manners.

    You are also a shopper with the same rights as them so have the right to ask them to move their lazy ass out the way and let you get on with your shopping.

    This sort of thing used to bother me until I realised that caring about it was about as effective as trying to solve a maths problem by chewing gum - the problem never got solved and I just ended up with a tired jaw. Finding the appropriate focus for your energies is important and these sort of situations in supermarkets are not worthy of more than TheCatWomans approach of politely telling them to get the heck out of the way and not giving a damn about their fussing.

    Maybe think of the interaction as a coin of energy banked for spending later on.

    Even wearing my Lanyard makes little difference

    I don't think many people even know what it signifies outside of the transport industry and even then they have a patchy understanding of what autism is about.

  • love it you see people with Autism we hate unfairness.The funny thing is with these type of people is that they get annoyed when done to them !

  • The funny thing is with these type of people is that they get annoyed when done to them !

    The real trick to this is to learn to stop caring about what they think. They lost the right to be respected when they did the disprespectful thing of becoming a road block.

    They realise they were caught and it is their resentment at this that makes them sigh - it merits no further response from us than a smug smile.

  • The funny thing is with these type of people is that they get annoyed when done to them !

    The real trick to this is to learn to stop caring about what they think. They lost the right to be respected when they did the disprespectful thing of becoming a road block.

    They realise they were caught and it is their resentment at this that makes them sigh - it merits no further response from us than a smug smile.
