Supermarket Customers

Dear All,

Can anyone share with me if they have bother in supermarkets.What I find is people are unkind ,if I politely ask them to move so I can grab something, they either ignore take ages or give me lip!

I am a very polite gentle person who believes in kindness and good manners.Does anyone else find the same selfishness and any advice ti deal with.Even wearing my Lanyard makes little difference

  • I find it's often older people stood in the middle of aisles with their shopping trollies blocking any way through, what I find the rudest are when they look around and are aware that there are people trying to get past them and ignore everyone. I use my mother/headmistress voice and say loudly, politely and firmly, 'Excuse me please'. They inevitably get in a huff, some have even said 'how rude!', if challanged I would ask why what I said was rude, I didn't swear, or push, and I said please. 

    I'd say don't back down, you have as much right to be there as them, stay calm if challenged and reflect back to them any rudeness they accuse you of. You can be polite, well mannered and kind, but you don't have to be a doormat.

  • thanks so much will try your advice glad it is not just me agree with everything you said

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