Struggling to multi-task

I wish I were automatically able to multi-task without having to struggle at it - even though multi-tasking is something that is not possible for those on the autism spectrum. I also wish people would stop with the lack of empathy! I just wish my parents would stop accusing me of making excuses for myself when I clearly find myself becoming overwhelmed as a result of sensory overload. It's not that I don't use my brain OR that my head isn't screwed on properly. Having an autistic brain means that I struggle to get my fragile brain to work the same way as that of a neurotypical. I try to think before carrying out any type of task - I only end up going into sensory overload followed by meltdowns/shutdowns. I don’t get why life is so meaningless and unpleasant for someone with my mental condition. 

I don't expect to be able to cope when I start living on my own - I see myself being unable to cope with life. I'm not even keen on living in any house or apartment, I am considering looking at residential mental health care facilities for autistic adults until I get referred for mental health support and provided with a special needs mental health team. 

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