Being Ignored

Hi Does anyone have any advice on the above.

I find my words seem to have no currency especially with neighbours if I take a reasonable request.They either ignore refuse or get aggressive .

Any idea to get a more positive response.The above aggravates  my obsessive character.Many people sadly do not understand kindness and making reasonable adjustments.

  • Sorry to hear that You have felt ignored.
    I would have replied earlier, but i didn't want to talk to You.
    Am just kidding.
    Nas93846, i hope You resolve the feelings You experience.
    Emotions can be like a minefield at times.
    But We can't change who We are, even for other People
    They need to accept YOU rather than You conforming to them..

  • Sorry to hear that You have felt ignored.
    I would have replied earlier, but i didn't want to talk to You.
    Am just kidding.
    Nas93846, i hope You resolve the feelings You experience.
    Emotions can be like a minefield at times.
    But We can't change who We are, even for other People
    They need to accept YOU rather than You conforming to them..
