Being Ignored

Hi Does anyone have any advice on the above.

I find my words seem to have no currency especially with neighbours if I take a reasonable request.They either ignore refuse or get aggressive .

Any idea to get a more positive response.The above aggravates  my obsessive character.Many people sadly do not understand kindness and making reasonable adjustments.

  • This is an all too common response when linked to autism - such people, regardless of whether or not they manipulate someone into getting an autism diagnosis as a way of silencing someone that they feel is “too vocal” often use an autism diagnosis as a further way of being small-minded and closed-minded, don’t really need an excuse or justification for their discriminatory and bullying attitudes and behaviour/actions and of refusing to understand anything a person with autism says or does or acts, to in thier own mind, justify their discriminatory mindset 

  • This is an all too common response when linked to autism - such people, regardless of whether or not they manipulate someone into getting an autism diagnosis as a way of silencing someone that they feel is “too vocal” often use an autism diagnosis as a further way of being small-minded and closed-minded, don’t really need an excuse or justification for their discriminatory and bullying attitudes and behaviour/actions and of refusing to understand anything a person with autism says or does or acts, to in thier own mind, justify their discriminatory mindset 

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