DBT? Anyone tried?

I’ve come across DBT which is dialectical behaviour therapy, and was wondering if anyone who suffers with low mood and anxiety have tried?

  • Yes I used it and it really helped when I was poorly with psychosis. I couldn't eat or sleep normally and this was the only way I learned how to relax my body in order to sleep at night. Paced breathing and paired muscle relaxation were amazing. Through practice of paired muscle relaxation, I managed to learn how to relax every muscle in my body by thinking of the word 'relax'. I also used these relaxation skills when I had my baby in 2022 and I had a really amazing and pleasurable birth due to being able to relax into the sensations, which led me to train as a birth doula :) but yes I have used dbt and found it useful 

  • Yes I used it and it really helped when I was poorly with psychosis. I couldn't eat or sleep normally and this was the only way I learned how to relax my body in order to sleep at night. Paced breathing and paired muscle relaxation were amazing. Through practice of paired muscle relaxation, I managed to learn how to relax every muscle in my body by thinking of the word 'relax'. I also used these relaxation skills when I had my baby in 2022 and I had a really amazing and pleasurable birth due to being able to relax into the sensations, which led me to train as a birth doula :) but yes I have used dbt and found it useful 

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