Have suffered mental health for far too long.

So here I am posting again, about that oh so wonderful topic, the brain, the chemical imbalances, the nhs and how they just don’t seem to listen, the quick fix SSRI’s, the lack of mental health support, especially in certain areas because if you don’t live in a city, you’re pretty screwed by the choice of help you can get.

This stormy chaotic mind of mine just doesn’t want to give me a break. Something happens and it plummets the world into destruction and darkness, everything is wrong, there’s no good out there, judgement on everyone and ye shall not be saved. 

I can’t remember the last time I felt happiness, excitement, joy or even something that made me properly laugh, without having to fake these emotions. My job doesn’t help, being on a low income because it’s all I can really manage to handle without getting too worked up or stressed out. I work in retail and it’s probably the worst line of work I’ve had the experience in doing. Sure there are people who enjoy it because they like to help people in that way. For me it’s just a dumpster dive into ignorance, aggression, anonymity (feeling like I’m nobody), carelessness, greed, inhumanity, humiliation and the oh foreboding facial expressions and conversations about crap that all goes in. 

Sorry to digress but I’m just trying my hardest to find support for a career change, some kind of a mental health retreat. I do try to research these things myself but I end up flustered with choices and end up nowhere.  

  • I used to have very bad mental and physical health issues. Doctors would also try to give me SSRI's/antidepressants, and never answer any of my actual questions or listen to me either, because these meds give them a bonus on their next paycheck. I can ask them about diet and nutrition, end up with no answers, not even about the freaking basic 4 food groups, or basic calorie intake per day, just absolutely nothing. The doctor avoids answering any of my questions, and constantly leads the conversation back to antidepressants and psychotherapy, all of which gets them money. The doctor said "you can go the 'hard' route and work out 5 times a week. Or go the 'easy' route and "take something for it"' gesturing popping a pill in the mouth. These doctors are just so irredeemable it's ridiculous.

    What helped me was to stop eating the inflammatory foods that caused my body to become ill. Essentially I stopped eating gluten, dairy, and sugar, and that made a huge difference in the way my body functioned, except I don't eat enough food so that's still a problem for me, but my general mood, mental and physical health, are much better now. I've heard that many people with autism also have gut issues, food sensitivities, and allergies, so that may be an avenue to look into. 

  • I think apart from Dairy. I rarely eat foods that have inflammatory biproducts in them. I don’t have any food allergies thankfully. Only really bad one is pet hair. 

    understood about doctors getting paid to just palm us off with tablets. 

  • I think apart from Dairy. I rarely eat foods that have inflammatory biproducts in them. I don’t have any food allergies thankfully. Only really bad one is pet hair. 

    understood about doctors getting paid to just palm us off with tablets. 

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