What would you do with this information?

I'm asking again and I'm so sorry. 

I understand this could be triggering. 

However my little boy is just 7. 

And I need advice. CAHMS have such a long wait and even after speaking with them today, we aren't progressing. .

I called 111 line 2 last night for advice on the favlce my childnis hurting himself 

He wrote down. 

I suck my blood from my wrist and my thigh. It tastes sour and I like the taste of it and this why I hurt myself so I can eat more. 

How would anyone approach this correctly. 

I have let school know. CAHMS know. 

With all the self harm we have gone through

 I assume this is sensory seeking? 

But I'm not an expert, I'd happily cook lemon sauce for sour taste. 

It's getting so hard now. .

Has anyone had this before or any advice on how to make things bearable?