We need to stop assuming/pressuming other people's ability to function and support needs.

Collectively as autists, and as a wider society. We need to stop assuming/pressuming other people's ability to function and support needs. Especially online. We are all strangers. Nobody here really knows what it is like to live our lives when we step away from the computer. What we tell people here is just snippets and the basis of absolutely nothing anyone else can say or prescribe with anything other than a faux qualification. Especially the assumption that someone's ability to communicate in a text based format means they do not go or are not in fact nonverbal irl, or has any bearing on the other areas of their life.

That's really it. That's the post.

  • Nobody sees the adaptive functioning <  IQ  when I'm posting online. I occasionally mention it. It  falls on deaf/daft ears for the most part.

  • Hi, I’ve not seen the phrase ‘adaptive functioning < IQ’ before, would you mind explaining what it means?

  • Sadly the National autistic society or people here believe 'adaptive functioning' to be an abusive or spam like. I tried to copy and paste several times  straight from Bing chat. It didn't work. In the end I had to copy and paste into notepad before copying and pasting here. There was no maliciousness intended on my part. Being falsely accused is a major trigger for me.

  • Sadly the National autistic society or people here believe 'adaptive functioning' to be an abusive or spam like. I tried to copy and paste several times  straight from Bing chat. It didn't work. In the end I had to copy and paste into notepad before copying and pasting here. There was no maliciousness intended on my part. Being falsely accused is a major trigger for me.

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