Withdrawal from meds

Have any of you stopped taking your meds and how did it go?

I stopped my Mirtazapine on Monday with the agreement of my GP and I’ve had a week of very upset stomachs, dizziness and mood swings. I feel absolutely rotten just now but I know I need to get through this.

I just hope it doesn’t last too long.

  • I'm sorry you're suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I had this when I came off my bipolar meds and the withdrawal symptoms were horrific for about two weeks. 

    How are you now Amerantin? I hope you're better. If it's too bad do call the GP and he or she could probably half the pill and gently wean you off it that way. Positive vibes your way.

  • Thanks Enchanted. I still feel absolutely rotten. I did a bit  of research yesterday and it said the symptoms can worsen for 1-2 weeks after stopping and take 6-8 weeks to go away completely Worried

Reply Children
  • Ugh poor you. That's got to be awful for you. Hang on in there, it will get better even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Look at it this way, each day you are one day closer to being rid of the withdrawal symptoms.

    Thinking of you and wishing you well.