Withdrawal from meds

Have any of you stopped taking your meds and how did it go?

I stopped my Mirtazapine on Monday with the agreement of my GP and I’ve had a week of very upset stomachs, dizziness and mood swings. I feel absolutely rotten just now but I know I need to get through this.

I just hope it doesn’t last too long.

  • Amerantin,

    You've asked, so I'll tell you...

    I have been addicted (by prescription) to three branded benzodiazepines, the third being Temazapam in 1989.  I received no help whatsoever from the prescribing clinicians (GPs) and found it extremely difficult each time....... but I made it!  The third time I learned from a voluntary help agency that there was an NHS funded treatment service almost on my doorstep, about which my GP claimed to know nothing. I self-referred and was treated with electro-acupuncture five days a week for five months. I'm not sure if the acupuncture actually worked or not, but what certainly did help was meeting numerous others in the same position, including a headmaster, a solicitor, a prostitute, a couple of rather young homeless lads, a lady who designed clothing, a gifted artist and many others, predominantly addicted to prescribed meds although a few were on street drugs.

    I really hope the medical profession has moved forward since those dark days when GPs just knew so very little about dependency.  I stress that this was some thrity five years ago, and things can only have improved.

    The best advice i can offer you is to reduce the dose gradually, as slowly as you need to.... it is not a race.


  • I’ve reduced the dose for six weeks before stopping completely this week. Everything was fine until I stopped completely.

  • I think that I'm not comparing like with like here; Benzo's are tranquilisers and Mirtazapine is an anti-depressant, so they are not the same type of drugs. However, they clearly are not easy to stop. I wish you success and hope your withdrawal syptoms quickly subside.


  • I think that I'm not comparing like with like here; Benzo's are tranquilisers and Mirtazapine is an anti-depressant, so they are not the same type of drugs. However, they clearly are not easy to stop. I wish you success and hope your withdrawal syptoms quickly subside.


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