Withdrawal from meds

Have any of you stopped taking your meds and how did it go?

I stopped my Mirtazapine on Monday with the agreement of my GP and I’ve had a week of very upset stomachs, dizziness and mood swings. I feel absolutely rotten just now but I know I need to get through this.

I just hope it doesn’t last too long.

  • I stopped my Sertraline and experienced withdrawal symptoms as well. I had dizziness, upset stomach and headaches, I did call my GP as they were pretty severe, to me at least anyway and my GP suggested not stopping completely and to break the pill in half and gradually cut down and then stop.

    I did this and it stopped the withdrawal side effects completely and then when I eventually came off the half pill I had no side effects. It was bliss.

    Well done for coming off your meds, that's a big step to take.

    I hope you're feeling better soon. It shouldn't last too long.

  • Thanks Cora, it’s good to hear that you came off them successfully.

    My GP did warn me it might be tough for a week or two and to get back in touch with her if I have problems. If I still feel like this next week I think I will. Maybe a smaller dose for longer is the right approach.

  • Thanks Cora, it’s good to hear that you came off them successfully.

    My GP did warn me it might be tough for a week or two and to get back in touch with her if I have problems. If I still feel like this next week I think I will. Maybe a smaller dose for longer is the right approach.

  • Thank you. Hopefully you'll be over the worst soon, but if not then perhaps you could give a smaller dose a try and go from there, if your GP thinks it's a good idea for you. 

    Sorry you're suffering though. Withdrawal effects are rubbish. Thinking of you right now.