Withdrawal from meds

Have any of you stopped taking your meds and how did it go?

I stopped my Mirtazapine on Monday with the agreement of my GP and I’ve had a week of very upset stomachs, dizziness and mood swings. I feel absolutely rotten just now but I know I need to get through this.

I just hope it doesn’t last too long.

  • Hopefully you reduced the dose slowly; I think SSRIs are supposed to be pretty rough in general. I don't remember having any problems with mirtazapine really but I'm very cautious so my approach is to ask the psychiatrist what the usual rate for lowering dose and stopping is, and then go at least twice as slow. (I also do the same in reverse when starting meds) 

  • Hopefully you reduced the dose slowly; I think SSRIs are supposed to be pretty rough in general. I don't remember having any problems with mirtazapine really but I'm very cautious so my approach is to ask the psychiatrist what the usual rate for lowering dose and stopping is, and then go at least twice as slow. (I also do the same in reverse when starting meds) 
