Alcohol and autism

What are people thoughts on the effects of alcohol and autism??? 
when I drink I feel is if I can be “normal”!!! But the hangovers are horrific, I know the benefits of not drinking alcohol are immense but how do I socialise without?

anyone else gone sober 

  • Yeh autistic people do tend to find alcohol a to be an issue. It may have something to do with autistic people tend to be deficient in vitamin B6 which is the primary nutrient responsible for creating GABA which is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABA is the chemical that alcohol uses to make us feel drunk or tipsy. So it’s easy to see that autistic people are simply self medicating by drinking and so to some extent it probably does make us feel normal but with a cost. Drinking only provides temporary relief at the cost of a hangover where you get rebound anxiety and panic attacks etc. It’s probably best to get to the root of your problems rather than self medicating with alcohol. I’ve been there too and it isn’t the right move. I take vitamin B6 everyday and it sure helps my craving for alcohol. I feel that kind of ‘normal’ way alcohol makes me feel without actually feeling drunk. Interestingly vitamin b6 deficiency also causes epilepsy which many autistic people also struggle with. It’s usually the more profound cases of autism that have epilepsy as a co occurring feature. But milder cases of autism still can have more subtle symptoms.

  • Yeh autistic people do tend to find alcohol a to be an issue. It may have something to do with autistic people tend to be deficient in vitamin B6 which is the primary nutrient responsible for creating GABA which is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABA is the chemical that alcohol uses to make us feel drunk or tipsy. So it’s easy to see that autistic people are simply self medicating by drinking and so to some extent it probably does make us feel normal but with a cost. Drinking only provides temporary relief at the cost of a hangover where you get rebound anxiety and panic attacks etc. It’s probably best to get to the root of your problems rather than self medicating with alcohol. I’ve been there too and it isn’t the right move. I take vitamin B6 everyday and it sure helps my craving for alcohol. I feel that kind of ‘normal’ way alcohol makes me feel without actually feeling drunk. Interestingly vitamin b6 deficiency also causes epilepsy which many autistic people also struggle with. It’s usually the more profound cases of autism that have epilepsy as a co occurring feature. But milder cases of autism still can have more subtle symptoms.

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