Alcohol and autism

What are people thoughts on the effects of alcohol and autism??? 
when I drink I feel is if I can be “normal”!!! But the hangovers are horrific, I know the benefits of not drinking alcohol are immense but how do I socialise without?

anyone else gone sober 

  • Up until quite recently (maybe 2 years) I was drinking FAR too much, FAR too regularly.
    I know what you mean about feeling "Normal" - it suppresses inhibitions and can help people like us in social situations.
    However, I found that I was suppressing my inhibitions TOO MUCH and took things TOO FAR.

    Fortunately I recognised that my relationship with alcohol was in a terrible state and although I have not stopped drinking, I now have it under control where I am not drinking every night and I am not drinking to excess.

    I found making a promise to myself that I would live a bit healthier (drink more water, go to the gym regularly, massively cut down on snacking on crisps and the like) has really helped in terms of cutting down on alcohol. 

  • Up until quite recently (maybe 2 years) I was drinking FAR too much, FAR too regularly.
    I know what you mean about feeling "Normal" - it suppresses inhibitions and can help people like us in social situations.
    However, I found that I was suppressing my inhibitions TOO MUCH and took things TOO FAR.

    Fortunately I recognised that my relationship with alcohol was in a terrible state and although I have not stopped drinking, I now have it under control where I am not drinking every night and I am not drinking to excess.

    I found making a promise to myself that I would live a bit healthier (drink more water, go to the gym regularly, massively cut down on snacking on crisps and the like) has really helped in terms of cutting down on alcohol. 

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