Intense sleep anxiety

Hi, I'm hoping someone here might have some advice on what I can do about my anxiety with sleep.

I've always hated sleeping. I didn't like the dark as a kid and I always felt uneasy when it started to get dark and then I would feel anxious all through the night. However it's now reached a point where it's starting to affect my life in a big way... at night I have frequent panic attacks and my anxiety now is less about the dark and more about sleep itself.

I hate sleep. I don't like it and I don't know why. I just feel intense anxiety about sleeping and it's led to me trying to stay awake all night which is now starting to impact my health in a negative way.

I can't explain how much dread I get when it comes to sleeping. I don't know why this is affecting me so much but it's a problem and I'm not sure what to do to get over it.

I don't know exactly what causes it whether it's autism or mental health problems. I have both but I don't know which is driving this.

  • It sounds like something that you should explore with a counsellor, if it's something you've had since childhood then it's obviously very deeply rooted. I couldn't say if it's autism or mental health without knowing what your mental health problems are, but I'm wary of lumping everything onto autism.

  • It sounds like something that you should explore with a counsellor, if it's something you've had since childhood then it's obviously very deeply rooted. I couldn't say if it's autism or mental health without knowing what your mental health problems are, but I'm wary of lumping everything onto autism.

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