How to recover from burnout?

I am currently on sick leave from work due to becoming burnt out. I'm supposed to return in about two weeks but I don't know how I'm going to manage it because I don't seem to be getting any better. I feel in constant panic mode all day, the slightest stress or sensory overload sends me into a shutdown or meltdown. I struggle with basic things like showering and eating because my body just feels completely drained and small tasks seem overwhelming. My brain just isn't working and I can hardly speak. Just writing this is giving me a headache. I keep trying to look up how to recover from burnout but can't find anything helpful. I don't have the option to quit my job because of finances, so I'm so scared about not getting better and having to return to work in this state. Does anyone have anything that's helped them to recover from burnout?

  • Rest is the key to recovering from burnout. Rest when you can and don't push yourself to recover fast or you will set yourself back.

    I find doing things little and often when I have the strength helpful as well.

    I try not to allow myself to get burnt out anymore. It's not easy because there's so much stress in life and a lot of triggers but gradually I am learning to better control myself so I don't burnout.

    I've got a special room in my house designed specifically for me for when I'm suffering from burnout. Everything in there if soft and friendly to my skin. The walls are painted dark so it's not too bright, no windows in this room so light can't hurt my eyes. I had this done shortly before Covid in twenty nineteen, after a horrible burnout which took six + months to recover from. I've used this room once so far and it's so autism friendly, it made the process of healing much better for me.

    Keep your chin up and remember you will get through this burnout. It might be a long haul but you will get there I promise, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.
    Keep smiling and get plenty of rest.

  • Thank you for your advice. That room sounds lovely, I wish I had one! 

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