How to recover from burnout?

I am currently on sick leave from work due to becoming burnt out. I'm supposed to return in about two weeks but I don't know how I'm going to manage it because I don't seem to be getting any better. I feel in constant panic mode all day, the slightest stress or sensory overload sends me into a shutdown or meltdown. I struggle with basic things like showering and eating because my body just feels completely drained and small tasks seem overwhelming. My brain just isn't working and I can hardly speak. Just writing this is giving me a headache. I keep trying to look up how to recover from burnout but can't find anything helpful. I don't have the option to quit my job because of finances, so I'm so scared about not getting better and having to return to work in this state. Does anyone have anything that's helped them to recover from burnout?

  • I am desperate to know the answer too to your question. I’ve taken a break from my PhD and i’ve not worked since beginning December and I still feel awful. In fact my physical health just deteriorated even more and I just continued to loose weight due to IBS and poor appetite and food anxiety. I don’t know what to do after this break- no idea if I’ll continue, find another job or phd (at moment i just couldn’t) where I would live etc. and I suspect all this worry is probably not helping. It’s so scary when you are burntout, take time off but aren’t getting better and don’t know what to do. 

    Do you have a hobby you might be able to do if you have energy to give you some pleasure? If I wasn’t injured I would be running and hiking a lot and planning my next hiking trips etc. Though I have to admit that I have at this point lost the capacity to do most things and can’t engage in special interests. I have found physical activity really helpful in the past as it requires a different type of energy and can help switch off my brain or at least calm it for a while.

    I don’t know what the answer is but you are not alone. I can barely do anything at moment-everyday things like  cooking are too much, everything takes inhuman effort and it’s very frustrating. It makes me feel useless, hopeless and ashamed . 
    I think it would help to be kind to yourself but I know that can be hard.

  •  I am so very sorry you're suffering so badly from this bout of burnout and having the added pressure of having to deal with IBS whilst still trying to balance out every day life with things like cooking. Is your GP able to give you anything that might help you with your IBS? I have Gastritis and it always gets worse during burnout and anxiety attacks.
    I can hear how difficult this is for you and I wish you a speedy recovery and hope things start to get better for you soon.

    You're not useless Ann. I think you are both brave and very strong to be still fighting despite how hard things have been for you and how hard they still are. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are doing remarkably well and though things are still hard remember that they will get better. You'll get through this Ann. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but the day where you start to feel better is on the horizon and you will get to it.

    Sending you hugs x. Take lots of care and get all the rest you can.

  •  I am so very sorry you're suffering so badly from this bout of burnout and having the added pressure of having to deal with IBS whilst still trying to balance out every day life with things like cooking. Is your GP able to give you anything that might help you with your IBS? I have Gastritis and it always gets worse during burnout and anxiety attacks.
    I can hear how difficult this is for you and I wish you a speedy recovery and hope things start to get better for you soon.

    You're not useless Ann. I think you are both brave and very strong to be still fighting despite how hard things have been for you and how hard they still are. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are doing remarkably well and though things are still hard remember that they will get better. You'll get through this Ann. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but the day where you start to feel better is on the horizon and you will get to it.

    Sending you hugs x. Take lots of care and get all the rest you can.

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