I want life to stop

Lights, sounds, smells, everything is extra intolerable lately. I cant seem to make myself do stuff, I cant make decisions. I feel tired and am getting headaches. Words are harder. I keep almost having meltdown/shutdowns (just today I felt like a meltdown every 30min). Im exhausted 

I want it all to stop, I want to take a break from everything but I cant. I have homework, I have school, on friday we have an assembly which I always get overwhelmed at but im scared ill have a full on meltdown because I seem to not even be able to handle everyday stimuli so how could I survive a room with hundreds of students with everyone screaming to get hyped for stupid turnabout dance 

I started feeling like rubbish for a couple weeks but then the last 3 days have been absolutly unbearable. Why is life so hard

Took me 21min to type this (not even that long of a post...)

  • I'm so sorry to read what you're going through right now. School is a hard time of life for anyone but when you've got ASD it's a million times harder and can be so overwhelming. If you explain how it's affecting you then the school will be able to help you, like Ann suggested they could let you avoid assembly. My own school did this for me as it was one of my biggest stresses and I was also given permission to leave classes 5 minutes early so I avoided the crowds and noise in the corridors.

    Please talk to your school, and talk to us here, we can all relate and give you the support you need. Don't keep things bottled up and keep the faith because you will get through this difficult times and things will improve.

    Take care, thinking of you and wishing you well.

  • I'm so sorry to read what you're going through right now. School is a hard time of life for anyone but when you've got ASD it's a million times harder and can be so overwhelming. If you explain how it's affecting you then the school will be able to help you, like Ann suggested they could let you avoid assembly. My own school did this for me as it was one of my biggest stresses and I was also given permission to leave classes 5 minutes early so I avoided the crowds and noise in the corridors.

    Please talk to your school, and talk to us here, we can all relate and give you the support you need. Don't keep things bottled up and keep the faith because you will get through this difficult times and things will improve.

    Take care, thinking of you and wishing you well.

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