I want life to stop

Lights, sounds, smells, everything is extra intolerable lately. I cant seem to make myself do stuff, I cant make decisions. I feel tired and am getting headaches. Words are harder. I keep almost having meltdown/shutdowns (just today I felt like a meltdown every 30min). Im exhausted 

I want it all to stop, I want to take a break from everything but I cant. I have homework, I have school, on friday we have an assembly which I always get overwhelmed at but im scared ill have a full on meltdown because I seem to not even be able to handle everyday stimuli so how could I survive a room with hundreds of students with everyone screaming to get hyped for stupid turnabout dance 

I started feeling like rubbish for a couple weeks but then the last 3 days have been absolutly unbearable. Why is life so hard

Took me 21min to type this (not even that long of a post...)

  • Evening Frozen.

    I hear you.  Even an old boy like me feels like you describe, more often than I care to admit.

    I'd love to tell you it gets easier....but I'm not sure it does....but I definitely have more tools to deal with it these days....so I make it look easier.  I think I only found the right tools for me because I had too.  You will too - I am ABSOLUTELY sure of that.  Your intelligence and flair shines out mate.  When your 896 years old like me, you'll be better than me at it....you'll be like a swan.  I'm more like a brick wall!

    Don't panic.  I often think of these types of times like being on the beach, in the sea, but only waist high in water, but the waves are strong and big and can knock you off your feet if you are not careful.  However, if you know they are coming, it makes it easier to prepare for them.  You brace when you see them about to hit you....kinda hold your breath, not afraid, because you KNOW you are strong enough to cope with a wave, because they only last for a moment.  When the wave has passed, relax, rest....only for a minute....because you know another wave is coming again soon....but that little rest is super valuable!

    You can make it fun in your own head.  I do.  If I'm going to be doing something I find difficult, I take it as a personal challenge.....like running a short race, jumping some hurdles, dodging a bundle of unruly puppies that are all running at you at the same time....or doing a difficult painting....when you have done loads of good stuff on it, but you know you can mess it up with the next really difficult bit, so you try and get real calm, real quick....breathe....focus.

    I have faith in you.  I don't often have faith in people.  You are damn cool.

    Life is hard.  I reckon its hard for everyone.  Those nutty kids you describe at assembly, you probably think they don't have a care in the world....but they DO....they DEFINITELY DO....

    It's brilliant that you are so calm and rational about how you feel.  That is a GREAT sign.  You're clever and wise.  So use your clever and use your wise.  I don't know how it works in your world, but if you get calm inside....you'll be fine.

    Rooting for you mate.  Be well, be calm and keep clever....you can do those things....I've seen you do it lots of times.

    Rest when you can.



  • Thank you Slight smile

    When your 896 years old like me

    Wow you must be in the world record book for being so old! haha

  • Na....Isperg is 952....he's proper old.

  • Bloody good post there number.. 

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