Trouble sleeping

I have terrible trouble sleeping. I either can't get to sleep or I wake up multiple times throughout the night. I've always had this problem, started in my teens, but I'm still like it now despite originally everyone telling me it was a girl thing and related to puberty.

I used to think it was where I'm just weird but now I have been diagnosed with Autism and according to the woman who assessed me this is common for people with Autism.

I wonder what causes the sleep difficulties?

For me I wonder if it's anxiety related as this is something I struggle with chronically on a daily basis but it could also be things like my mind not being able to ignore things like the wind blowing, or the house creaking... Or my head aching when I lay a certain way on my pillow.

I'm very sensitive to a lot of things and I wonder if this is also causing me grief when trying to get to sleep.

I'm still learning so much about autism and myself. Sorry if this has been mentioned before and if it's not even related to Autism.

  • It's a good idea to set a nightly routine and stick to it, then the body can expect to fall asleep at a certain time. I always go to bed at 10:30 pm for example.

    Avoid eating unhealthy food before you go to bed. And stop using devices an hour ahead of going to sleep. Preferably, read as it'll help to settle your mind.

    There's a girl I know, we were on Twitch recently and she announced her night-time snack at 9pm was a giant bag of skittles and a large Monster energy drink. At 9pm. I pointed out how bizarre that was, but was all "it's fine! I do it all the time". But it just blocks your capacity for REM sleep, so she'll be knackered. She'll get away with it now because she's in her early 20s. Good luck with that in your 30s hah.

    That's the other thing, keep off the caffeine!

    And remember it takes time. Lead a healthy diet and maybe listen to podcasts as you fall asleep (that's what I do). Get someone with a relaxing voice and just drift off when listening. 

    Podcasts are very useful, too, instead of tossing and turning in bed all night. They can keep you company.

  • It's a good idea to set a nightly routine and stick to it, then the body can expect to fall asleep at a certain time. I always go to bed at 10:30 pm for example.

    Avoid eating unhealthy food before you go to bed. And stop using devices an hour ahead of going to sleep. Preferably, read as it'll help to settle your mind.

    There's a girl I know, we were on Twitch recently and she announced her night-time snack at 9pm was a giant bag of skittles and a large Monster energy drink. At 9pm. I pointed out how bizarre that was, but was all "it's fine! I do it all the time". But it just blocks your capacity for REM sleep, so she'll be knackered. She'll get away with it now because she's in her early 20s. Good luck with that in your 30s hah.

    That's the other thing, keep off the caffeine!

    And remember it takes time. Lead a healthy diet and maybe listen to podcasts as you fall asleep (that's what I do). Get someone with a relaxing voice and just drift off when listening. 

    Podcasts are very useful, too, instead of tossing and turning in bed all night. They can keep you company.

  • Sticking to a routine is something I struggle with big time. I'm not really sure why either, maybe because I used to try to stick to routines but somehow they were always messed up for me and I feel it puts me off from trying again. I could be wrong in that though.

    Mostly I take each day as it comes and don't really have much of a routine. I go to bed anywhere between 10pm and 3am, different time each day, and I'll usually stay up gaming on my phone before bed.

    I definitely need to try to make a routine though for sleeping. Thanks for that, it's really helpful knowing and getting so many insightful replies and suggestions. All of this is going to help me big time! X

    Caffeine is another issue I have... It's literally all I drink Coca Cola, something else I need to try and sort out as it's rotting my teeth and at times makes my abdomen feel like a battle zone.

    Thanks again for replying, it is much appreciated!! Blush x